Returns from the United Kingdom and the United States Returns from the United Kingdom and the United States

Returns from the United Kingdom and the United States

Castañer admits the return of its products within a maximum period of 30 calendar days from the date of purchase.

We remind you that if the product has not been purchased directly on the Castañer website, you must go to the store where you bought it.


There are two ways to make a return:


Simply stick the return label that you will find inside the package and drop it off at a DHL EXPRESS point. To find out where your nearest point is, please visit the following link: LOCATOR.DHL.COM


Schedule a pick-up by following the instructions on the MYDHL.EXPRESS.DHL link and select "Schedule a Pickup". You will then be asked to provide the WAYBILL number, found on the return label inside the box.

Your waybill number is: **********


It is necessary to include the completed return document in the returns box. We cannot accept returns without documentation.

Upon receiving of the returned item, we will validate and refund the item within 7 working days. The time it takes for the refund to become effective depends on the payment method used.